Beloved of Allah khwaja garib nawaz Mu’eenuddeen Hasan Sanjari Chishti Ajmayri (Radi allahu anhu) was born in 537 Hijri, corresponding to 1142 AC, in a place called ‘Sanjar’, an area in Seestaan or Sijistaan (in present day Iran).
(Iqtibas-ul-Anwar, pp. 345)
Name & lineage
The blessed name of Sayyiduna Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) is a Hasani and Husayni ‘Sayyid’ since his maternal and paternal genealogies are respectively traced from Sayyiduna Imam Hasan and Sayyiduna Imam Husayn (Radi allahu anhu) His most renowned titles are ‘Mu’eenuddeen’, ‘Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz’, ‘Sultan-ul-Hind’, ‘Waaris-un-Nabi’
and ‘Ataa-e-Rasool’ etc., and his blessed lineage is ‘Sayyid Mu’eenuddeen Hasan Bin Sayyid Ghiyaasuddeen Hasan Bin Sayyid Najmuddeen Taahir Bin Sayyid ‘Abdul Azeez’. (Mu’een-ul-Hind Hazrat Khuwajah Mu’eenuddin Ajmayri, pp. 18)
Blessed parents
The respected father of Sayyiduna Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) Sayyid Ghiyaasuddeen Hasan (Radi allahu anhu) was regarded amongst the wealthy & influential people of Sanjar; he (Radi allahu anhu) was exceedingly pious and he was also endowed with miraculous powers. The Honourable mother of Sayyiduna Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) was also a woman of excellent character who would remain engaged in worship & devotion.
(Allah kay Khaas Banday, pp. 506)
Devotional love with spiritual leader
Sayyiduna Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) spent many years under the guidance of his Murshid al-Kaamil (perfect spiritual leader), he (Radi allahu anhu) attained the blessings & erfection of the inner self and its branches of knowledge. He (Radi allahu anhu) would accompany his Shaykh, Sayyiduna ‘Usman Haarwani Chishti (Radi allahu anhu) carrying goods on his shoulder wherever his
blessed Peer-o-Murshid would travel. He (Radi allahu anhu) was also privileged to offer many Hajj (pilgrimages) with his Murshid-e-Kaamil. He (Radi allahu anhu) has stated, ‘When my perfect piritual leader Sayyiduna ‘Usman Haarwani (Radi allahu anhu) witnessed my devotional services & great dedication to him, he (Radi allahu anhu) blessed me with such a remark
Fear of Allah (Azzawajal)
The fear of Allah (Azzawajal) dominated his mind and thought to such an extent that he (Radi allahu anhu) would always tremble due to the Divine fear and would weep bitterly. Persuading the creatures of Allah (Azzawajal) would say: ‘O people! If you know about the condition of those people who are buried beneath the earth, you would melt away in no time.’ (Mu’een-ul-Arwaah, pp. 185)
Saintly miracles (Karaamaat)
Dear Islamic brothers! When the intimate and beloved of Allah devote their entire lives carrying out the commandments of Allah (Azzawajal) and preaching the Quran & Sunnah, abandoning all the worldly pleasures and comforts, Allah (Azzawajal) blesses them with a high status and numerous blessings as a reward in the Hereafter, but Allah (Azzawajal) also bestows upon them with some extraordinary characteristics, saintly miracles and supernatural powers
in the world in order to manifest their status & abilities to the people. Allah (Azzawajal) has also blessed countless saintly miracles to Sayyiduna Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) Let’s listen to some saintly miracles and illuminate our hearts with the love of these blessed saints.
1. Dead boy came to life
Once the ruler of Ajmer hanged an innocent boy to death and delivered a message to his mother to come and collect the dead body of her son. Deeply grieved, the sorrowful mother arrived in the court of Sayyiduna Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) weeping & sobbing and cried for help: ‘Alas! I have lost my supporter, my home is ruined, I had only son, the ruler has executed him unjustly’. Listening to this, Sayyiduna Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) became very upset and said: ‘Take me to the dead body of your son.’ The moment he (Radi allahu anhu) approached the deceased, he commanded with a gesture: ‘O dead person! If you have been hanged unjustly without committing any offence by the ruler of the day, then arise by the will of Allah (Azzawajal) suddenly, there was a movement in the lifeless body; he became alive and stood up in no time.
2. Salvation from torment of the grave
Sayyiduna Bakhtiyaar Kaaki (Radi allahu anhu) has stated that, Sayyiduna Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) went to join the funeral procession of one of his disciples. After performing the funeral prayers he (Radi allahu anhu) lowered him into the grave with his own blessed hands. After the burial, almost everyone left, but Sayyiduna Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) remained beside the grave. Suddenly, he (Radi allahu anhu) became sad. After sometime he (Radi allahu anhu) said (Alhamdu lillahi rabbil alamin) and became satisfied. On my request, he (Razi allahu anhu) stated, the angels of punishment came to him, upon that, I became worried;
then, my Peer-o-Murshid, Sayyiduna Khuwajah ‘Usman Haarwani (Radi allahu anhu) came and said to the angels, ‘This person is a disciple of my disciple, Mu’eenuddeen, spare him.’ The angels said, ‘He was a very big sinner.’ At once a voice from the unseen was heard saying, ‘We have pardoned this disciple of Mu’eenuddeen Chishti for the sake of ‘Usman Haarwani’.
3. Lake in a clay pot
Once, some disciples of Sayyiduna Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Razi allahu anhu) went to take bath on the bank of the Ana Saagar lake. Having noticed, the nonMuslims made a hue and cry, claiming that the Muslims were making their lake impure. The followers returned to the court of Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) and informed him about the happening. He (Radi allahu anhu) said to his follower, giving him a Chaagal (clay pot), fetch the water of Ana Saagar lake in this clay pot. As soon as the follower dipped the clay pot into the water it sucked the entire water into it. People became worried due to unavailability of water and came to the court of Sayyiduna Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) and cried for help. Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) ordered his follower to go and pour the water back into the lake; the follower did as he was instructed and the lake of Ana Saagar filled up again.
4. Tawaaf of the sacred Ka’bah every night
When any disciple or follower of Sayyiduna Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) was privileged to perform the pilgrimage (Hajj) or perform ‘Umrah; he would see Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) busy in making Tawaaf of the Holy Ka’bah; while his family members and other followers in Ajmer would assume that he (Radi allahu anhu) is in his Hujrah (private chamber); one day this secret was uncovered and it was known that he (Radi allahu anhu) remained
busy in making Tawaaf of the Holy Ka’bah all the night long and would return to Ajmer Shareef in the morning and perform Salat-ul-Fajr.
Reverence for the blessed tomb of a perfect spiritual leader
Once, Khuwajah Mu’eenuddeen Hasan Sanjari Chishti (Radi allahu anhu) was imparting knowledge & preaching to his disciples. Whilst delivering the Bayaan, when he (Radi allahu anhu) would glance towards his right side. He (Radi allahu anhu) would stand up as if paying respect to somebody. All the disciples were surprised to see his action of standing again and again but none had the courage to ask. In short, when all the people left, one of his beloved disciples humbly asked the reason as to why he (Radi allahu anhu) had repeatedly stood on looking towards the right side, what was the wisdom or logic behind it? Sayyiduna Khuwajah Ghareeb Nawaz (Radi allahu anhu) said, ‘The Mazaar (tomb) of my Peer-o-Murshid is located in that direction; whenever I looked towards that direction, I stood up to offer respect, so I stand up in the reverence of the blessed tomb of my Peer-o-Murshid’.
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