gousul azam beloved of allah

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gousul azam

Gousul azam beloved of Allah (May Allah be well pleased with him).

Almighty Allah has accorded him a special status and has made Gousul azam beloved of allah May Allah be well pleased with him). the leader and head of all the saints. The effects of this divine acknowledgment were apparent from his infancy itself. When cool breeze blows, it betrays the rain that is to come. In the same way, glad tidings were given before the birth of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him).

Glad tidings of his birth

In Tabaqat Ul Kubra, Bahjat Ul Asrar, Qalaaid Ul Jawahir, Nafahatul Uns, Jame’ Karamaat Ul Auliya, Nuzhatul Khatir Al Fatir and Akhbaar Ul Akhyaar, the birth of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) is mentioned in the following manner:

Saw in a dream the Holy Prophet

The night preceding the birth of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him), his father Hadhrat Abu Saleh Syed Moosa Jangidost (MayAllah shower His mercy on him) saw in a dream tha tthe Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), along with the Companions, the Imams and the Elite among the saints, graced his house. He gave glad tidings to him in the following words:Translation: O Abu Saleh! Allah Most High has granted you such a son who is close to me. He is my beloved and the beloved of Almighty Allah and very soon, his glory among the saints will be like my glory among the Prophets. Apart from the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), Hadhrat Abu Saleh Moosa Jangidost (May Allah shower His mercy on him) dreamt that all other Prophets gave him glad tidings that all the saints will be followers of his son and his foot will be on their neck.

Each boy become saint       

The night when Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) was born, that night every lady who delivered in Jilan was granted a boy and each of them grew up to be a saint.
His name: ‘Abdul Qadir (May Allah be well pleased with him). His Kuniyah: Abu Muhammad His honorifics: Muhiyuddin, Mahboob Subhani, Ghouth Uth Thaqlain, Ghouth Ul A’adham and
many others. He was born on 29th Sha’abaan 470 Hijri in a settlement called Jilan, which is in Iraq near Baghdad. He passed away on 17/9 of Rab’ee Ul Aakhir in 561

Hijri. However, in the subcontinent, his passing away on 11th is very famous. (Ma Thabata Bis Sunnah) He is a descendant of Hadhrat Imam Hasan (May Allah be well pleased with him) through his father and a descendant of Imam Hussain (May Allah be well pleased with him) through his mother. His whole family is one of saints. His paternal and maternal grandfathers, his father, his mother, his paternal aunt, his brother and all his sons are great saints with great stations and many miracles expressed at their hands. Declaration of his sainthood in infancy Signs of sainthood were apparent right from his infancy.

Fasting in Ramadan

He was born on 29th Sha’abaan and from the  1st of Ramadhan  he would not eat or drink from Sehri until Iftaar. His mother says: My son ‘Abdul Qadir never let me suckle him during the whole day in Ramadhan.Once because the sky was overcast with clouds, people couldn’t see the moon. When people asked, they were told that the baby had not taken any milk that day. Later on, it became clear that Ramadhan had started that very day. Thus, it became very well known in the city:

Translation: At that time, it became very well known in the city that in the house of Syeds, a son has been born who doesn’t drink any milk during the day in Ramadhan and in fact, fasts in it.  (Tabaqat Al Kubra, Vol. 1, Pg No: 126, Bahjatul Asraar Pg No: 89, Qalaaid Ul Jawahir, Pg No: 3, Nafahatul Uns, Pg No: 251, Jame’ Karamaat Ul Auliya, Vol. 2, Pg No: 205, Nuzhatul Khatir Al Fatir, Pg No: 32, Akhbaar Ul Akhyaar, Pg No: 22, Safinatul Auliya, Pg No: 33)

Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him status

Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) had only been born that Almighty Allah benefited people through him. He is also expressing his servitude before Almighty Allah and is presenting the people as well. In effect, this was a declaration that Almighty Allah had created him only to guide the Ummah and that he has been made a leader for the whole world. His status is such that right in the cradle, people observe his fasts and fast. They are perfecting their worship looking at his worship. What would have been the state when Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) actually sat on the pulpit to guide one and all? The sainthood of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him)

I would see angels walking around me

Somebody asked Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him): When did you first become aware that you are a Wali (Lit. friend) of Allah Most High? Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) replied: Translation: When I was 10 years old and I would step out of my house to go to a Madarsa, I would see angels walking around me. When I would enter the Madarsa, I would hear them call out: “Move aside! Make room for the friend of Allah Most High to sit! (Bahjat Ul Asraar, Pg. No. 21; Qalaaid Ul Jawahir, Pg. No. 9; Akhbaar Ul Akhyaar Farsi, Pg. No. 22; Safinatul Auliya, Pg. No. 63)

With angel in madrasa

It is mentioned in Qalaaid Ul Jawahir: Translation: Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) says: When I would attend the Madarsa in my childhood, an angel in the guise of a human being would come to me everyday and take me to the Madarsa. He would order the students to make room for me and would sit with me until I returned to my house. I never knew that it was an angel. Once I asked him: Who are you? He replied: I am an angel. Almighty Allah has sent me to remain with you in the Madarsa until you stay there. (Al Qalaaid Ul Jawahir, Pg. No. 134, 135)

A voice                             

It is mentioned in Bahjat Ul Asraar and Qalaaid Ul Jawahir: Hadhrat Muhiyuddin (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) says: As a child, whenever I would decide to play with the children, I would hear a voice: O privileged and fortunate one! Come to Me, and I would run to the lap of my mother. (Bahjat Ul Asraar, Pg. No. 21; Al Qalaaid Ul Jawahir, Pg. No. 9, Akhbaar Ul Akhyaar, Pg. No. 51)

Saw the plain of ‘Arafaat

Translation: Hadhrat Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir Jilani Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) told us: Once in childhood, during the days of Hajj, I went into a jungle by chance. I was walking behind a cow. Suddenly, the cow turned to me and said: O ‘Abdul Qadir! You have not been created for such things. I grew worried and returned. When I went to the terrace of the house, I saw the plain of ‘Arafaat and saw that people were waiting there. I went to my mother and requested her: Dear mother! You please give over me to Allah Most High and permit me to relocate to Baghdad so that I can acquire Islamic knowledge, present myself to the pious and remain in their company. My mother asked me the reason for this. I related all that happened to her. With tears in her eyes, she permitted me to go to Baghdad and advised me to remain truthful in all circumstances. (Qalaaid Ul Jawahir Fi Manaqibi ‘Abdul Qadir, 8, 9)
We have much to learn from the permission that Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam sought from his mother. Leaving home and hearth in childhood, bearing separation from mother and brother, traveling to Baghdad only on the basis of sincerity and reliance upon Almighty Allah and most of all the desire tobenefit from the company of the pious elders, all these are things which provide guidance to us. We have to reflect over the fact that the success of this world and the next doesn’t depend only on acquiring outward knowledge. Along with it, the company of the pious and the elders takes one to the zenith. When traveling to Baghdad, along with acquiring knowledge, Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) made it a point to seek the company of the pious and this has been the custom of the people of the truth that they have preferred the company of the pious and virtuous folk. Striving in the path of Allah Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) says: In early youth, when sleep would overwhelm me, I would hear a voice: O ‘Abdul Qadir! We haven’t created you for sleeping. (Bahjah Al Asraar, Pg. No. 21; Safeenah Al Auliya, Pg. No. 63)

Stayed in desolate and lonely areas

He says: For a long period of time, I stayed in desolate and lonely areas. I would mortify my Self (Nafs) in various ways. I singly roamed the forests of Iraq for 25 years. For 1 year, I lived on grass, etc. and didn’t drink water at all. Then for 1 year, I drank water as well. Then the third year, I only drank water and didn’t eat anything. Then for 1 year, I neither ate anything nor drank anything nor did I sleep. (Qalaaid Ul Jawahir, Pg. No. 10-11)

offering Salaat Ul Fajr with the Wudhu of Salaat Ul ‘Isha

Salaat Ul Fajr with the Wudhu of Salaat Ul ‘Isha for 40 years It is mentioned in Akhbaar Ul Akhyaar and in Qalaaid Ul Jawahir:
Translation: Hadhrat Abul Fatah Haravi (May Allah shower His mercy on him) says: I remained with Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) for 40 years and during this entire period, I always saw him offering Salaat Ul Fajr with the Wudhu of Salaat Ul ‘Isha. (Akhbaar Ul Akhyaar, Pg. No. 40, in Qalaaid Ul Jawahir, Pg. No. 76)

Complete recitation of the Holy Quran every night

For 15 years, Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) finished one complete recitation of the Holy Quran every night. (Akhbaar Ul Akhyaar, Pg. No. 40; Jame’ Karamaat Ul Auliya)

A mountain, it will burst asunder

Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) himself describes his striving and mortification in these words: It is narrated on the authority of Hadhrat Shaykh Abu ‘Abdullah Najjaar (May Allah shower His mercy on him) that Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) said: I have borne many difficulties, if the like of whom descend on a mountain, it will burst asunder. (Qalaaid Ul Jawahir, Pg. No. 10)

This foot of mine is on the necks of every saint

Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) – The leader of the Auliya When Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) said:
Translation: This foot of mine is on the necks of every saint. On hearing this, all the Saints lowered their necks. 313 elite saints spread in the whole world lowered their necks. Out of them, 17 were in the Holy sanctuaries of Makkah and Madina. 60 were in Iraq. 40 in non-Arab lands, 30 in Syria, 20 in Egypt, 27 in the lands of North Africa (Maghreb), 30 in the east, 11 in Africa, 7 in Sadde Yajooj, 7 in the valley of Serendip, 47 in Koh e Qaaf and 24 in islands. Hadhrat Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti (May Allah shower His mercy on him) was engaged in worship in the mountains and caves of Khorasan. He expressed such respect for this declaration that when he heard the declaration of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul- Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him), he placed his head on the ground. In effect, he was saying: O Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him)! Not only on my neck but your foot is also on my head. Tareeh Ul Khatir) When Hadhrat Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshband (May Allah shower His mercy on him) was asked ab ut the declaration of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him), he said: Not only the neck, his foot is on my eyes and on my foresight. (Tafreeh Ul Khatir)

Hadhrat Shaykh ‘Adi bin Musafir (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) was asked whether this would be the case in every era and he replied in the affirmative. Apart from Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah shower His Mercy on him), no one else was ordered to say this. When asked whether he was ordered to say this, the Shaykh said: Yes, that is why all the Saints lowered their necks.

According to Imam Tadfi (May Allah shower His mercy on him), there is difference in scholars that whether the foot meant here is the real, physical foot or is it meant in a metaphorical sense.

This saying of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) is for those people who draw near to Allah Most High through the path of  Walaya. The Companions (May Allah be well pleased with them) drew near to Allah Most High through proximity with the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), so this does not include them.

Going back to allah

After spreading both Shariah and Tariqah for 40 years, the time had come when Ghouse-Ul-Azam, the Emperor of the Saints, the Pole of the world should, as per the promise of Allah Most High, pass through the doors of death and enter the presence of Allah Most High. Two narrations have been mentioned in regard to the passing away of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him). The second one is the night of 10th Rab’ee Thani, 561 Hijri. or 1166 A.D. His last rites were performed the same night. His eldest son Hadhrat Abdul Wahab (May Allah showe His mercy on him) lea the funeral Salaat of the Shaykh.

The crowd was such that they had to close the door of the Madarsa, where the Shaykh was interred. On every 11th, the kings and the elite of the city would offer their respects to Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul- Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him). They would congregate on the shrine of the Shaykh. They would recite the Holy Quran, recite poetry of the Shaykh without any musical instruments. After Salaat Ul Maghrib, all the disciples would sit around the grave and the leader of the group would stand and perform remembrance of Allah in a loud voice.Here, some people would be overcome with ecstasy. After this, whatever food or sweet was brought would be distributed among those present. The people would leave after offering the Salaat of Isha. Gyarwhin Shareef is nothing but Isaal E Thawab (gifting of reward). The date for this has not been decided by the Shariah. It is up to the people. That is why, in the whole year, whenever the Ahle Sunnah perform any Isaale-E Thawab, they call it Gyarwhin Shareef.

Fear and consciousness of Allah Most High

Faith is between fear and hope of Allah Most High. The Saints of the Lord are so much engrossed in His Fear and Mercy that they pay no attention towards the hardships of life. Hadhrat Shaykh Sa’adi Shirazi (May Allah shower His mercy on him) says: People saw Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah shower His mercy on him) in front of the Ka’aba. He was prostrating on bare ground and saying: O Lord! Forgive me and if I am liable of being punished, then on the Day of Judgment, raise me blind so that I don’t have to be ashamed of those who are virtuous. Indifference towards the ruling class Hadhrat Khidhr says: I have been with Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam for13 years. I never saw that Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam ever stood up (as a sign of respect or reverence) for any ruler or noble, or that he visited any king or that he ever sat on a royal rug. Excepting once, he never partook of the food of rulers. Whenever any ruler came to meet him, he would go to his house. When they would come and sit, then he would come and meet them, so that he (Hadhrat Ghouse Azam) would not have to stand up to meet them. When he would talk to them, he would be very stern and he would advise them in a commanding way. They used to remain humble before him, with their eyes lowered and head down.

Love for the poor

In spite of this awe and grandeur, even if a child would talk to him, Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) would listen to the child attentively. He would respect elders. He would be the first person to greet others with Salaam. He would sit among the poor and infirm and he would never stand for a misguided or a rich person. Whenever any person would gift something, Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam would not touch it himself, but order the person to keep under the prayer mat. Then he would order his servant to distribute it to among the poor. Hadhrat Shaykh ‘Abdur Razzaq (May Allah shower His mercy on him) says: While coming from Hajj, my father stopped at a place. He inquired as to which house was the poorest in that area. A certain house, which was more of a tent, was pointed out to him. With the permission of the master of the house, Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) spent the night there. He did not accept the request of many rich and affluent people to spend the night in their house. His lovers started bringing many kinds of dishes, animals and gold, silver etc. to give to the Shaykh. Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam gave everything to the old couple living there and he left the area in the morning. Meticulousness about Halal food Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) had some permissible wheat which he had given to a farmer. He would sow it every year. Some of the Shaykh’s lovers would grind it and prepare bread (Roti) for him. Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam would keep some for himself and distribute the rest among those who were present. Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) says: I have sifted through all deeds and did not find any thing better than feeding the poor. He also said: There is a hole in my hand. Even if 1000 Dinar come to me, they cannot be with me for even one night.  i.e. he would spend them in charity and on the poor).

His nights

Hadhrat Abul Fatah (May Allah shower His mercy on him) says: I lived with Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) for 40 years.He would offer the Salaat of Fajr with the Wudhu of Isha. If ever his Wudhu was invalidated, he would perform a new one and offer 2 Raka’at of Salaat. After Isha, Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) would go to his room, where no one else was allowed to go. He would return from there before Salaat Ul Fajr. Many times, the Caliph came to meet him and could not meet him before Salaat Ul Fajr. Hadhrat Abul Fatah (May Allah shower His mercy on him) says: I had the privilege of spending some nights with Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him). In the early part of the night, he would offer Salaat and engage in some Dhikr until the second part of the night would start. In the second part of the night, he would offer Salaat. In the last part of the night, he would meditate (i.e. perform Muraqaba) until Fajr.

His forgiving nature

Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) was a shining example of good manners. Everybody present would think that the Shaykh loved him the most. He would forgive the mistakes of his people. If anybody said something on oath, he would accept it and would not reveal what he knew about it.

Respect for elders

started praying, people came from all sides and started kissing my hands and addressing me as "Ya Muhiyuddin." Before this nobody had called me with this title.

(Qalaidul Jawahir, Pg No: 57, Bahjatul Asrar, 54, 55,Khazeenatul Asfiya, Vol. 1, Pg No: 94, Nuzhatul Khawatir Pg No: 51, Safeenatul Auliya, Pg No: 61)

The speeches of the Shaykh

Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) used to address people 3 days in a week, the morning of Friday, evening of Tuesday and morning of Sunday. The custom was that first a Qari would recite the Holy Quran. After this, HadhratGhouse -Ul-Azam would address the people. Sometimes Syed Mas’ud Hashmi used to recite the Holy Quran, sometimes others. The recitation used to be in a plain style. Once in the course of an address, Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul- Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him)said: I saw the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). He (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) said: Son! Why don’t you address people? I entreated: I am a non-Arab. How can I talk before the eloquent people of Arab?
The Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) granted me His blessed saliva 7 times and said: Address people and through good talk and wisdom, invite them to our Lord. Then I offered the Salaat Ul Zuhr and sat. There was crowd of people and I was shivering. Then I saw that Hadhrat Ali (May Allah be well pleased with him) was seated there. He granted me his saliva 6 times. I entreated: Why did you not complete the number of 7? He said: Out of respect for the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam). Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him)says: In the early days, I used to be so overwhelmed with speech and address that staying quiet was out of my power. There used to 2 or 3 people who used to listen to me. I kept addressing people, then the number of people increased so much that the place was not enough. Then I started addressing people in the ‘Eidgah. Even that was not enough, then I started addressing them in an open plain outside the city and each session was attended by nearly 70,000 people.

Four hundred people used to write the words of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him). When the Shaykh would to take the chair, he would address people through different sciences and His awe was such that there used to a deafening silence. Then he would say: The talk about words is over (Qaal). Now we will talk about state (Haal). On this, there would a upheaval in the conditions of the audience. Some would start crying, some would be overcome with convulsion-like movements. Someone would sway in ecstasy and someone else would tear his clothes and run towards the jungle and there would be people who would be so affected by His address that their souls would break out of the cage of their bodies. In short, there would be no one who would not be affected. Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) says: On my hands, more than 5000 Jew and Christians have repented and embraced Islam. The number of robbers and other such people who were neck-deep in disobedience of Allah Most High who repented on my hands is more than a 1 lakh. In every session, some Jew or Christian would embrace Islam, dacoits, murderers, other criminals and people of the wrong beliefs would repent. Hadhrat Shaykh normally addressed people in Arabic. Sometimes, he would address people in Persian also. For this reason, he is called Dhul Bayanain Wal Lisanain (Lit. The One who combines 2 languages). It was a miracle of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul- Azam that irrespective of the distance, people would hear him in the same way. The miracles of the Shaykh All the historians agree that the miracles expressed by Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) were innumerable in number. Shaykh Ul Islam ‘Izz bin Abdus Salam (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) and Imam Ibn Taimiyya say that the miracles of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam have reached the limits of Tawatur (so famous that they can neither be denied nor doubted). Among all his miracles, the greatest one is the revival of dead hearts.
A group of Rawafidh came to Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul- Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) with 2 baskets and asked the Shaykh to tell them what was in those baskets. The Shaykh replied: In this, there is a handicapped child. The basket was opened and the child was taken out. Then the Shaykh ordered the child to stand. The child not only stood but started running and playing. The Shaykh said: In the other, there is a healthy child. That child was taken out. He started playing and running about. Hadhrat Shaykh (May Allah shower His Mercy on him) ordered the child to sit down. The child sat down and could not stand again. On seeing this, the whole group of Rawafidh repented.

The progeny of the Shaykh

Like other rewards, Allah Most High has als rewarded Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) with abundance of progeny. His son Hadhrat ‘Abdur Razzaq (May Allah shower His mercy on him) says: My father had 27 sons and 22 daughters.

Imam Suharwardi (May Allah shower His mercy on him) says: Some virtuous people asked Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah shower His mercy on him) as to why did he marry? He said: I had not married until the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) had not ordered me to marry. All his sons had no parallel in piety, knowledge and realization of Allah Most High.


Primarily, the Sheik earned knowledge in holy Qur’an. Then he acquired almost his deepest knowledge in Jurisprudence and its branches prominently from Abul vafa Ali bin Aqeel, Abdul khathab mahfud Al- kalvadani, Abul hasan Muhammad bin Qadhi Abu Ya’la Muhammad and Al Qadhi Abu Saeed (May Allah Mercy upon them). But the number of scholars who taught him Hadiths is beyond the measure. The famous and reputed personalities from those scholars are Abu Ghalib Muhammad bin Hasan Al – Baqillani, Abu Saeed Muhammad bin Abdul kareem, Muhammad bin Muhammad, Abu backer Ahmed bin Mudaffar, Abu Jafar bin Ahmed, Abul Qasim Ali bin Ahmad, Abdul Qadir bin Muhammad, Abdul Rahman bin Ahmed and Abul Barakath Hibathullah (May Allah Mercy upon him). Making acquaintance with Sheik Abul Khair Ahmad bin Muslim, he bagged the deep knowledge in Thareeqath and reached on the apex of fame and popularity (Qalaidul Javahir 4). 

Body language

The sheikh Muvaffaquddin bin bin khudham almaqdhasi (May Allah Mercy upon him) describes that Sheikh jeelani was  most handsome man with brown color, keen, a moderate height, a broad chest and dense beard(Khalaid al Jawahir Page 6).


A young girl who was a follower of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) lived in Ceylon. One day she was attacked in a lonely place by a man intending do dishonour her. Helpless, she shouted, “Save me O my Shaikh Abdul Qadir!” At that moment the Shaikh was performing his ablution in Baghdad. People saw him stop, angrily grab his wooden shoe and throw it in the air. However, they did not see the show fall down. That shoe fell on the head of the man who was attacking the girl in Ceylon and killed him. That shoe is still kept in Ceylon as a relic.

Shar’iah and Tariqah

Once Sheikh Bataa’ihi (r.a) presented himself in the court of Sheikh Ahmed Kabeer (r.a) He states that Sheikh Ahmed Kabeer (r.a) said, “Do you know anything about the condition of al-Ghawth al-A’zam (r.a) ?” Sheikh Ahmed (r.a) states: “On hearing this, I began to praise al-Ghawth al-A’zam (r.a) and say what I knew concerning him. I said as much as I knew and then remained silent.” Sheikh Ahmed Kabeer (r.a) then said: “On his right is the Sea of Shari’ah and on his left is the Sea of Tariqah. From this, he gives whom he desires. In this era, there is none equal to him.”

Imam Ahmed Bin Hambal

Sheikh Sayyidi Baqaa (r.a) states that once he accompanied Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) to the tomb of Imam Ahmed bin Hambal (r.a) . He says: “I saw Sheikh Imam Ahmed bin Hambal’s (r.a) grave split open, and I saw him emerge from his blessed grave. He embraced al-Ghawth al-A’zam (r.a) and then said, ‘Even I am dependent on you in Tariqah’”.

Protection From Illness

Sheikh Ali bin Idrees Yaqoobi (r.a) states that once his spiritual guide, Sheikh Ali bin Haiti (r.a) took him to al-Ghawth al-A’zam (r.a) and presented him in the court of the great Saint. Sheikh Ali bin Idrees (r.a) states: “Al-Ghawth al-A’zam Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) was wearing a shawl during this time. He removed the shawl and placed it over me and said, ‘From now on, you will be protected from all illnesses’. From that day on until now, and I am 65 years old, I have never been ill.”

A Thief Becomes an Abdaal (High-Ranking Saint)

Once a thief entered the house of Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) with the intention of stealing. On entering the house, he became blind and could not see anything. He was unable to find his way out of the house and he eventually sat in one corner of the house. In the morning, he was caught and brought before Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) . When Al-Ghawth al-A’zam (r.a) saw him, he placed his blessed hands on the thief’s eyes. The thief’s eyesight was immediately restored. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) then said, “He came to steal materialistic (worldly wealth), I will bless him with such a treasure that it will remain with him forever.” On saying these words, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) placed his blessed sight on the thief once and elevated him to the status of Wilayat (Sainthood). It was also during this time that one of the appointed Abdaals had passed away. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) took the thief, now a Wali, and sent him out as the replacement for the Abdaal that had passed away. Subhan-Allah!

His Sight on Lauh-e-Mahfooz (The Protected Tablet)

It is written in one narration that Sheikh Abul Hafs (r.a) states: “Our Sheikh Abd al-Qaadir Jilani (r.a) used to fly in the air and would say, ‘The sun does not rise before presenting Salaams in my court. By the Wrath and Honour of Allah! All the good and bad persons are before my sight. My eyes are fixed firmly on Lauh-e-Mahfooz. Time and again, I immerse myself in the sea of knowledge and wisdom blessed by Allah and I am the Sign (Nishaan) of Allah to the people, and the specially appointed representative of my forefather, Nabi Muhammad ﷺ and I am his viceroy on this earth.’”

Disappearing Into The Sun

The wet-nurse of al-Ghawth al-A’zam (r.a) states that when he was a child, she would carry him in her arms but would suddenly find that he was no longer there. She reports that she noticed that he used to fly into the sky and hide behind the rays of the sun. Once, when Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) was much older, the wet-nurse went to him and asked if he still did as he used to do when he was a child, in other words, hide behind the sun. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (r.a) replied, “Then I was a child, and it was a time of weakness, and I used to hide in the rays of the sun. Now my strength and power is so immense, that if a thousand suns have to come then they would all be hidden in me rather than me being hidden by them.”

The Months of the Year Presenting Themselves to al-Ghawth al-A’zam

Hazrat Sheikh Abul Qaasim (r.a) states that once Sheikh Abu Bakr, Sheikh Abul Khair, Sheikh Ibn Mahfooz, Sheikh Abu Hafs Umar, Sheikh Abul Aas Ahmad Imkaani, Sheikh Abdul Wahab (r.a) and himself (r.a) were all in the presence of the great al-Ghawth al-A’zam (r.a) It was a Friday, the 30th of Jamadi-ul-Aakhir 560 AH. During this time, Sheikh Qaasim (r.a) states that a young handsome youth came into the blessed court of the great Saint. He sat with great respect, and then said: “O Friend of Allah! May there be Salaams upon you. I am the month of Rajab, and I have come to give you glad tiding that this is a good month for the people. They should thus do many good deeds in this month.” Sheikh Qaasim (r.a) states that on another occasion, a youth again came to the Darbaar of al-Ghawth al-A’zam (r.a) and with great respect said, “I am the month of Shabaan. I have not brought any glad tidings, but have come to inform you that in this month the people of Arabia will be in difficulty. There will be wars fought in Khorasan and there will be sickness in Iraq through which many people will die.” Sheikh Qaasim (r.a) states that after a few days, news reached Baghdad of these happenings in Arabia and Khorasan and he states that during that time a disease spread in Iraq killing scores of people.

One of the great Shaikhs of the time, Shaikh Muzaffar Mansoor ibn Al Mubarak (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) states, “I came to visit Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) with some students and I was carrying a book on philosophy. He greeted us and then said to me, “What a bad and dirty friend you are holding in your hand! Go and wash it!” I was awed by the Shaikh’s anger, he could not have known the contents of this book which I loved and had almost memorized.” When I thought of hiding the book somewhere and fetching it later, he ordered me to give the book to him. As I opened the book for the last time, I saw only empty white pages; all the writing had disappeared. When I gave the book to him, he browsed through it and gave it back to me saying, “Here it is, ‘The Book of Excellences of the Qur’an’ by Ibn Daaris Muhammad.” When I opened it, indeed it had been transformed as he said, and was written in the most beautiful calligraphy. Then he said to me, “Do you wish your heart to repent when you voice your repentance?” I said “Indeed I do.” He told me to stand up, and as I did I felt all of my knowledge of philosophy descend from my mind and sink into the ground, and not a word of it remained in my memory.”

Once Shaikh Abu Sa’eed Abdullah bin Ahmad Baghdadi (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) came to Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) and complained about his sixteen-year old daughter Fatima, who had gone onto the roof of the house and suddenly disappeared from there. Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) told him to go to a certain jungle at night. On entering this jungle he would see many sand heaps. He should sit on the fifth sand heap that he passed. He should draw a circle around him saying ‘Bismillah’ and he should then say ‘Abdul Qadir’. Towards the third portion of the night, he would find an army of Jinns passing by. They will look really frightening and fierce, but he should not fear. He should remain seated and wait. Exactly at the time of the first light, the most powerful King of the Jinns would pass that way and he would personally come to him and ask his problem. On the King’s request, he should explain to him his situation and then tell him that Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) has sent him.Shaikh Abu Sa’eed Baghdadi (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) states, “I did as Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) said. After some time, I saw armies of Jinns in frightening forms passing by. They were very upset with me sitting in their path, but they passed without saying a word, as they did not have the courage to enter the circle. In the morning, the King passed and asked my request. When I explained my problem to him and told him that Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) had sent me, he got off his horse and stood with respect listening to me. He then sent the Jinns to summon back the Jinn who had captured my daughter. My daughter was brought back and the King ordered the mischievous Jinn to be beheaded.” When Shaikh Abu Sa’eed Baghdadi (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) asked the King about his respect for Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh), the King replied, “By Allah, when Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) looks at us, all the Jinns begin to tremble.”

Once, one of the followers of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) experienced Ihtilaam (wet dream) seventy times in the course of one night. Each time he would see himself with a different woman and upon waking up he would perform the ghusl. Some of the women he saw he actually knew and others were strangers. In the morning he went to Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) intending to complain about his condition. Before he could say anything Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) told him, “You must not feel bad about your state during last night. I saw your name inscribed on the Lawh-e-Mahfooz and I discovered from what was recorded upon it, that you would be guilty of committing adultery no fewer than seventy times. So I pleaded with Almighty Allah on your behalf until he changed that for you so that instead of being a conscious real-life experience, it would merely be a wet dream.”

Shaikh Umar Abdul Bazzaaz (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) narrates, “One Friday, together with my master, Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) I set out for the mosque. No one greeted him so I thought to myself, “Every normal Friday, we find it hard to get to the mosque due to the crowds that gather around the Shaikh, so what is happening today?” I had barely completed this thought when people came rushing to greet the Shaikh. He looked at me with a smile and said, “O Umar, this is what you wanted! Do you not realize that the hearts of the people are in my hand? If I wish, I move them away from me and if I wish, I attract them towards me.”

Once whilst Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) was delivering one of his lectures, a person by the name of Abul Mu’aali was present in this gathering. He was seated directly in front of the great Saint. During the course of the lecture, Abul Mu’aali found that he needed to answer the call of nature. He tried to suppress this need because he found it disrespectful to leave the gathering of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh). He could no longer suppress it and decided to leave when Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) walked down the pulpit (Mimbar) onto the second step and threw his shawl over him. As this happened, Abul Mu’aali found that he was no longer in the gathering, but rather in a valley with beautiful lush vegetation. It was beautified even more by a stream, which flowed through it. He immediately answered the call of nature, performed wudhu and then prayed two rakaats Salaah. As he completed the Salaah, Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) took the shawl off him and he found, to his amazement, that he was still in the gathering of the great Saint and he had not even missed one word of the lecture. However, much later Abul Mu’aali discovered that he did not have his set of keys with him. He then remembered that when he was transported to the valley by Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) he had hung his key ring on the branch of a tree beside the stream. Abul Mu’aali states that some time after this incident, he had the opportunity to go on a business expedition. During this journey, he reached a valley and rested there. He then noticed that the valley was the same place where he had been transported during the lecture. When he went beside the tree, he found that his missing keys were still hanging on the branch of the tree. Subhaanallah!

The students of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) state that once he was delivering his lessons as usual to them when suddenly his blessed face turned red and beads of perspiration covered his blessed forehead. He then placed his hand into his cloak and remained silent for a short time. After he removed his hand from inside his cloak, drops of water began to drip from his sleeves. Due to his spiritual state, the students did not ask him any questions but rather, they recorded the date, day and time of this astonishing event. Two months after this incident, a group of traders, who had come by sea to Baghdad, arrived and presented various gifts to Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh). The students were very confused by this as they had never seen these traders in Baghdad before. When they asked the traders the reason for them bringing the gifts, they said that two months earlier, whilst they were sailing to Baghdad, their ship was caught in a fierce storm. When they realized that there was a real danger of sinking, they called out to Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh). When they called out to him, they found that from the Unseen a hand lifted their ship to safety. When the students compared this narration to the incident in the Madrassah, it was confirmed that it was the same date, day and time in which the great Saint (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) had put his hand into his cloak. Although Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) seemed to be placing his hand into his cloak, but in reality, he was stretching his hand into the sea to assist those who called for his assistance. Subhaanallah!

A woman of Baghdad who was very impressed by the fame of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) decided to leave her son in his care and said, “Take this child as your own, I renounce all right to him. Raise him to become like you.” The Shaikh accepted the child and started to teach him piety, spirituality etc. After some time the mother came to see her son and found him thin and pale and eating a crust of bread. She was angry and asked to see the Shaikh. When she came upon him she found him well dressed, seated in a pleasant room and eating a chicken. She exclaimed, “While you eat your chicken my poor son, whom I left in your care, has nothing but a piece of dry bread!” The Shaikh placed his hand over the bones of the chicken and said, “In the name of Allah Who revives bones from dust, rise!” The chicken immediately became alive and it ran about the table saying, “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) is His Messenger and Shaikh Abdul Qadir is the friend of Allah and His Messenger!” Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) then turned to the woman and said, “When your son can do this, he can also eat whatever he wishes.”

Once Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) was delivering a lecture and Shaikh Ali bin Haiti (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) was seated in front of him. During the lecture Shaikh Ali bin Haiti (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) fell asleep. Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) saw this and descended from the Mimbar and stood in front of the sleeping Shaikh Ali bin Haiti (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) with both his hands folded in respect. After a while Shaikh Ali bin Haiti (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) awoke to find Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) standing in front of him. He immediately stood up in respect. Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) smiled and said, “The reason I am standing in front of you is because you were seeing Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) in your dream and I was seeing Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) with my physical eyes.

Shaikh Adi ibn Musaafir (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) states, “On one occasion while Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) was giving a lecture, a shower of rain descended from the sky. This caused some of the members of the audience to disperse, so he raised his head towards the heaven above and said, “Here I am, gathering people together for Your sake and You are scattering them away from me like this.” The rain at once stopped falling on the courtyard where the lecture was taking place, though the downpour continued unabated beyond the perimeter of the schoolhouse and not a single drop of rain fell on the session.” Subhaanallah!

There was a great Saint by the name of Shaikh Ahmad Jaam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) who used to travel on a lion wherever he went. In every city that he visited it was his habit to ask the people of the city to send one cow for his lion’s meal. One day he travelled to Baghdad, and sent one of his disciples to Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) and commanded that a cow be sent to him, as a meal for his lion. The great Ghaus (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) was already aware of his coming and had already arranged for a cow to be kept for the lion. He sent one of his disciples with the cow to Shaikh Ahmad Jaam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) and as the disciple took the cow with him, a weak and old stray dog which used to sit outside the home of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) followed him. The disciple presented the cow to Shaikh Ahmad Jaam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) who signalled to the lion to commence feeding. As the lion ran towards the cow, this weak old dog pounced on the lion. It caught the lion by its throat and killed it by tearing open its stomach. The dog then dragged the lion and threw it before Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh). On seeing this, Shaikh Ahmad Jaam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) humbled himself before the great Ghaus (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) and asked for forgiveness for his arrogant behaviour. This shows the strength of a weak old dog due to its Nisbath (connection) with the blessed stoop of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh). It also shows that even animals recognize and are loyal to the Awliya Allah.

There was a wise and influential priest in Baghdad who had many followers. He knew Islam and the Holy Qur’an and had great love and respect for Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). He was ready to accept Islam except for one thing; he could not understand and therefore accept the physical ascension (Me’raj) of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) to the heavens and beyond. The caliph introduced all the wise men and teachers of the time to the priest, but none could remove his doubts. The caliph then sent word to Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) requesting him to convince the priest.
When Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) came to the palace he found the caliph and the priest playing chess. As the priest lifted a chess piece to move, his eyes met with those of the Shaikh. He blinked his eyes…. and as he opened them he found himself drowning in a river. He was shouting for help when a young shepherd jumped into the water and saved him. As he came out of the water he realized that he was naked and had been transformed into a young girl. The shepherd asked the girl where she was from and she answered from Baghdad. The shepherd said that they were at a distance of a few months journey from Baghdad. He honoured and protected her but as she had nowhere to go he eventually married her and had three children who grew up.
One day as she was washing laundry in the same river where she had appeared many years earlier, she slipped and fell in. As she opened her eyes…. the priest found himself sitting across the caliph, holding the chess piece and still looking into the eyes of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh), who said to him, “Now venerable priest, do you still disbelieve?” The priest was unsure of what had happened and thinking that it was a dream asked, “What do you mean?” The Shaikh asked, “Perhaps you would like to see your family?” and as he opened the door, there stood the shepherd and the three children. Seeing this the priest immediately believed, and he and his followers of about five thousand Christians all became Muslims at the hands of Huzoor Ghaus-e-Azam (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh).

Sheikh Alt Arabi of Spain had no children. At the instance of a Mujzub (a mon of distracted mind owing to' divine attraction) he approached Hazrat Ghousul Azam for his blessings and prayers for a son. Hazrat said I have one more son yet unborn in my destiny. I give it to you. Rub your back against mine and name him when born Mohammed Mohiyuddin. He would rise up to be a Qutub of his time. The child was eventually born and was named accordingly. He became a great philosopher and attained high spiritual advancement. He gained the title of Sheikh Akbar and is commonly known as Ibn-al-Arabi.

During a famine in Baghdah, Abdul Abbas Ahmed, the servant of Hazrat complained to him of the need for funds and of food grains. Hazrat gave him a reasonable quantity of wheat and asked him to store the grain in a covered receptacle and never to weigh it, but to take out according to necessity, by opening out a small portion of the container. He used to draw grains in this way for an unusually large period. The wife of the servant of Hazrat at last felt very much curious about it and in order to satisfy herself opened the mouth of the container. She surprisingly found almost *he same quantity of grain as was kept in the beginning, still remaining and unexhausted.

Sheikh Abdul Hassan commonly known as Ibn Astantana of Baghdad stated "When I used to live in the Madrassa of Saiyidina Ghousul Azam for the acquisition of learning, I generally keep awake, at night in order to serve the Hazrat, if and when required. One night in 553 A.H. Hazrat came out of his room, presuming he required water for ablution, I took it to him but his holiness did not take it. Instead, he proceeded towards the gate of the Madrassa. I quietly followed him. The gate automatically opened and when he passed on, it closed itself. He then went towards the gate of the city which also similarly opened and closed automatically. Shortly after this we reached a town, which I had not seen before. On reaching the town he went to a house which was similar to his own Ribat in appearance. There were six persons in the house, who saluted him. He proceeded further on and I, stood, by a pillar. I heard the groaning of a person in a low voice. After a few minutes, the groaning ceased and another person went to the place whence the groaning came and carried away a dead body on his shoulder. Shortly after this, another person bare headed and with long whiskers, came there.

The man sat down in front of Hazrat who made him recite the declaration of faith used in converting one to Islam. Hazrat then cut off his whiskers, put a cap on his head and named him Mohammad. He said that he had appointed him in place of the deceased. The persons residing in the house accepted the decision submissively. He then left the place and in a short time came to the gate of Baghdad, which opened and closed automatically as before. His holiness (hen entered his Madrasa. In the morning when I resumed taking lesson from Hazrat I prayed him to explain the incident of the previous night. Whereupon he said that the town I had seen was Nehawand a distant city in the outskirts of the empire under the Khalif of Baghdad. The six persons in the Ribat, were Abdul and Nujaba. The man ^ho died was one of shem. The man with long whiskers was a Christian of Constantinople who accepted Islam and was appointed by him to fill the place of the deceased. The man who carried away the corpse was Hazrat Khizar.
It seems desire able here to explain that according to the Sufis, there exists a sort of hierchy of Saints at all times in the world through whom Allah manifests His mercy to the world of humanity. In the absence of the Prophet, they are the vice gerents of Allah on earth on the Prophet's behalf. They are of three different grades, Abdal is a plural of Badal meaning literally "substitute", so called because should any one of these saints die, Allah immediately substitutes him by another (Sihah). They are righteous persons of whom the world is never destitute. But on more authoratative view is that they are given this name, because of their ever changing spiritual condition. They are inaflux; and are not allowed to remain in one state. Being on their way to Realisation, they are not allowed to settle down at any intermediate point. As to their exact number and their locations, opinion, is divided. They seem to be the lowest in rank amongst the spiritual successors of the Prophet, Ghousul Azam and Qutubs.

Abdullah Zayyat once said that one night Hazrat came out of his closet with a walking stick in his hand. Abdullah within himself at that moment wished to see Hazrat performing some miraculous act. No sooner this thought had occured to him, the Hazrat set up his stick on ground and it became luminous and began to glow. Soon it became so bright that it illuminated the entire house. He then took up his stick, and looked at Abdullah and remarked you desired this sort of act. Abdullah was amazed.

A relattion of the Khalifa was once taken to Hazrat. The man was suffering from dropsy and had an enormously swollen stomach. He sought relief. Hazrat passed his hands over his stomach, upon which it contracted to its normal size.

Shaikh Umar Abdul Bazzaaz (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) narrates, “One Friday, together with my master, Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jilani (Radiallahu Ta’ala Anh) I set out for the mosque. No one greeted him so I thought to myself, “Every normal Friday, we find it hard to get to the mosque due to the crowds that gather around the Shaikh, so what is happening today?” I had barely completed this thought when people came rushing to greet the Shaikh. He looked at me with a smile and said, “O Umar, this is what you wanted! Do you not realize that the hearts of the people are in my hand? If I wish, I move them away from me and if I wish, I attract them towards me.”

On one occasion a Christian Clergyman came from Yeman and accepted Islam from him in an assembly where he had delivered a sermon. After his conversion, he voluntarily stood up and related to the assembly that he was a man of Yeman and had decided to accept Islam from the hands of the most eminent Muslim in Yeman. He reported that had seen Prophet Eesa in a dream who directed him to proceed to Baghdad and accept Islam from Hazrat Abdul Qadir, who was the most eminent at the time in the whole world.


Shaykh: Throughout the whole of the Islamic world those who have ‘Ilm, true knowledge and insight know that no one is more qualified to be called Shaykh than Sultan Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani Radhi Allahu ‘anhu. He radhi Allahu ‘anhu is distinguished in his knowledge of the esoteric and exoteric sciences. In Knowledge and Wisdom and Intimacy with Allahu ta ‘ala, he has no peer. He is after all, Pir Dastgeer, Sawari Kaainaat, the master of both worlds. Radhi Allahu ‘anhu.

Abd al-Qadir:  He radhi Allahu ‘anhu is Abdal Qadir “Servant of the All-Powerful.” A manifestation of the Power and Might of Allahu ta ‘ala, uncompromising in commanding to that which is correct and stopping transgression. He is known for pulling believers from the brink of kufr by educating then in the ways of Holy Qur’an Majid and the Sunnah of Sayyidinaa Rasuli Akram Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim and reviving dead hearts with the Noori Ahmadi that resides in his blessed being.

al-Jilani: Our master the saint of Jilan. He is al-Jilani, as the city of Jilan is his Maqam. Our master the Saint of Jilan, Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radhi Allahu ‘anhu was born in the Persian [Iranian] district of Gilan, south of the Caspian Sea, in the year A.H. 470/1077-8 C.E. The abbreviated form of al-Jilani is al-Jili, Sayyiduna ‘sh-Shaykh Muhyi’d-Din Abu Muhammad ‘Abd al-Qadir Radhi Allahu ‘anhu.

Sayyiduna ‘sh-Shaykh: “Our Master, the Shaykh.” Anone who regards himself as a Qadiri, a devoted follower of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radhi Allahu ‘anhu, will generally refer to the Shaykh as Sayyidunaa, Sayyidinaa or Sayyidi . Muhyi’d-Din: “Reviver of the Religion.” It is widely acknowledged by historians, non-Muslim as well as Muslim, that Sayyidinaa Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radhi Allahu ‘anhu displayed unwavering courage in reaffirming and defending the traditional Islam Sciences, in an era when the Ummah had bone disunited because of sectarian deviation. Sayyidinaa Shaykh Abdul Qadir Radhi Allahu ‘anhu fought tirelessly to revive the letter and spirit of our Pure Deen that had been delivered, taught and exemplified by his Blessed Father Sayyidinaa Rasuli Akram Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Sallim. He is known to have revived the Madhhab of Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal Radhi Allahu ‘anhu and enlivened the madhhaab of Imam Shaaf’i Radh Allahu ‘anhu at a time and when materialistic and rationalistic tendencies had become prevalent.

Abu Muhammad: His kunya is Abu Muhammad “Father of Muhammad.” As his first born son was honored with the name of his father, Sayyidina wa Mawlanaa Muhammad al Mustafa Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim. And we honor our own sons with the honorific of the blessed name of Rasulullah Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim. He hear Muhammad Junayd, Muhammad ‘Ali, Muhammad Mansur and through the blessed Ismi Muhammadi Sall Allahu ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim we pray that our sons will be blessed with following in the footsteps of the Beloved of Allah ta ‘ala Sall Allah ‘alaihi wa Aalihi wa sallim.

Help! Help! Free me from my difficulties.
Make my religion and world full of happiness O Ghawthi A’dham Dastageer

Al-Ghawth al-A'zam: “The Supreme Helper”. The Ghawth is the one given the power bi-ithnillah, to answer the cries of the poor, weak and oppressed for aid, aassistance and deliverance from adversity. He is the The Chief of the Saints, who is empowered by Allah Subhanahoo to bring relief to suffering humanity, in times of extreme adversity. Muslims, Hindu’s and even Christians have been saved from adversity when they called upon him while showing the proper reverence and respect.

O Hadrat Ghaus, help us with the permission of Allah.

Sultan al-Awliya’: “The King of the Saints.” This reinforces the preceding title, emphasizing the supremacy of the Ghawth above all other orders of sanctity.

al-Hasani al-Husaini: “The descendant of both Imam al-Hasan Radhi Allahu ‘anhu and Imam al-Husain Radhi Allahu ‘anhu, the grandsons of the Prophet [Allah Subhanahoo wa Ta’ ala bless him and give him peace].” To quote the Turkish author, Shaykh Muzaffer Ozak Efendi [may Allah Subhanahoo wa Ta’ ala bestow His mercy upon him]:

 “The lineage of Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir Radhi Allahu ‘anhu is known as the Chain of Gold, since both his parents were descendants of the Messenger [Allah Subhanahoo wa Ta’ ala bless him and give him peace]. His noble father, ‘Abdullah Radhi Allahu ‘anhu, traced his descent by way of Imam al-Hasan Radhi Allahu ‘anhu, while his revered mother, Umm al-Khayr Radhi Allahu ‘anhu, traced hers through Imam al-Husain Radhi Allahu ‘anhu.” Some of his titles, beautifully rendered in the prologue of Jala’ al-Khawatir

The Shaykh,
The Imam,
The most learned scholar,
The pious abstainer,
The dutiful worshipper,
The knower by direct experience,
The avoider of excess,
The Shaykh of Shaykhs,
The proof of Islam [hujjat al-Islam],
The axis of the human race [qutb al-anam],
The upholder of the Sunna,
The suppressor of heretical innovation,
The crown of those who know by direct experience,
The love of those who tread the spiritual path,
The pillar of the Shari'ah ,
The mainstay of the Haqiqah ,
The signpost of the Tariqah ,
The chief of the saints,
The leader of the pure,
The lantern of those who travel the spiritual way,
The guide,
The captain of those who are devoted to their duty,
The lamp of the people of devotion and purity,
Shaykh Muhyi ‘d-Din Abu Muhammad ‘Abd al-Qadir Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
The son of Abu Salih Musa al-Jili Radhi Allahu ‘anhu
The grandson of 'Abdullah al Zahid Radhi Allahu ‘anhu.


Blessed Genealogy of Sayyiduna Gawth al-Aa'zam Shaykh ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani [Radhi Allahu ‘anhu] Sayyiduna’sh-Shaykh Muhyyi’d-din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, al-Hasani, al-Husaini Radhi Allahu ‘anhu (may Allah be well pleased with him!) Born 470 A.H., Passed away 561 A.H. [1077 - 1166 C.E.]

From His Exalted Father Radhi Allahu ‘anhu:

 The Supreme Helper, the Lordly Cardinal Pole, the everlasting edifice, the radiantly shining lamp, the Sultan of the Saints and the Masters of Direct Knowledge, the proof of the chosen and those who have reached their spiritual destination, Allah Subhanahoo wa Ta’ ala ’s White Hawk, our patron, our master and our exemplary guide to Allah Subhanahoo wa Ta’ ala , the noble highborn patrician, the chieftain,

- Shaykh Muhyi ‘d-Din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani al-Hasani al-Husaini
- son of Imam Sayyid Abu Salih Musa Jangi Dost Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam Sayyid ‘Abdullah Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam Sayyid Yahya az-Zahid Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam Sayyid Muhammad Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam Sayyid Da'ud Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam Sayyid Musa Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam Sayyid Abdullah Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam Sayyid Musa al-Jawn Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam Sayyid Abdullah al-Mahd Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam Sayyid al-Hasan al-Muthanna Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam al-Humam Sayyid al-Hasan as-Sibt Radhi Allahu ‘anhu, - son of our chief and our patron, the Commander of the Believers, Abul-Husain ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib Ridhwan Allahu ‘alaihim ajma’een

From His Exalted Mother Radhi Allahu ‘anha:

On his mother’s side of the family, the line of descent of our revered master and patron, Shaykh Muhyi’d-Din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani [may Allah Subhanahoo wa Ta’ ala the Exalted be well pleased with him], is as follows:

He is Sayyid Shaykh Muhyi ‘d-Din ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani Quddus Allahu Sirruhul adhim, - son of Sayyidah Umm al-Khayr Amat al
-Jabbar Fatima Radhi Allahu ‘anha,
- daughter of Sayyid 'Abdullah as-Sawma'i az-Zahid Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Sayyid Abu ‘Abdi’llah Jamal ad-Din Muhammad Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Sayyid Mahmud Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Sayyid Abul-'Ata’ 'Abdullah Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Sayyid Kamal ad-Din ‘Esa Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Sayyid Imam Abu ‘Abdi’llah ‘Ala’ ad-Din Muhammad al-Jawad Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Sayyid Imam ‘Ali ar-Rida Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Sayyid Imam Musa al-Kazim Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam Muhammad al-Baqir Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam Zain al-'Abidin ‘Ali Radhi Allahu ‘anhu,
- son of Imam al-Humam al-Husain, the Martyr of Karbala, ‘Alaihi salaam
- son of Imam al-Humam, the Commander of the Believers, our master Sayyidinaa ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib Karam Allahu wajhahu.

some of his sons are being mentioned here:

Shaykh Abdul Wahhab (May Allah shower His mercy on him)
He was born in 522 Hijri, which corresponds to 1128 A.D. He took knowledge from his father and other cholars of the time. He passed away in 593 Hijri i.e. 1197 A.D.

Shaykh Isa (May Allah shower His mercy on him)
The year of his birth is not known. He learnt under his father and from Abul Hasan Bin Zarma (May Allah shower His Mercy on him). Earlier in Baghdad and after the passing away of his father, he taught students and issued Fatwa in Egypt as well. His addresses were very well attended. He passed away in 573 Hijri. i.e., 1178.

Shaykh Abu Bakr Aziz (May Allah shower His mercy on him)
He was born in 532 Hijri, which corresponds to 1138. He took knowledge from his father and from Ibn Mansoor ‘Abdur Rahman. He participated in the battle of ‘Asqalan. He passed away in 602 Hijri. i.e. 1205 A.D.

Shaykh Abdul Jabbar (May Allah shower His mercy on him)
He took knowledge from his father, Abul Mas’ud and others. He took the path of the Sufiya. He always stayed in the company of the people of the heart. He passed away in 575 Hijri. i.e. 1180 A.D. while he was quite young.

Shaykh Abdur Razzaq (May Allah shower His mercy on him)
He was born in 528 Hijri, which corresponds to 1134 A.D. He took knowledge from his father, Abul Hasan bin Zarma and other scholars of the time. He was a Mufti, a expert in Hadith and a great orator. A large number of scholars benefited through him. He passed away in 603 Hijri. i.e. 1207 A.D.
Shaykh Muhammad (May Allah shower His mercy on him)
He passed away in 593 Hijri, i.e. 1197 A.D. He was the Hadith-expert of his age. Apart from them, Shaykh Abdullah, Shaykh Yahya, who is the youngest son of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah shower His mercy on him) Shaykh Moosa and many others, may Allah shower His mercy on all of them.

 The writings of the Shaykh

The priceless writings of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him) as given in the books of history are being mentioned here: Al Fath Ur Rabbani Wa Faidh Ur Rahmani. This is a collection of 62 speeches of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah be well pleased with him). Most of them are short, but are some are lengthy as well.

Al Ghunya Lit Talibi Tariqil Haq Famously known as Al Ghunya. This is an encyclopedia of Islamic faith, mode of life and etiquettes. Many topics like Shariah rulings for personal and social life, the reality of faith, the explanation of soul (Ruh) and heart (Qalb), the exhortation to avoid major and minor sins, the 12 months of the year and the special acts of worship of them, then topics like poverty (Faqr), striving against the lower self (Mujahada), trust in Allah Most High (Tawakkal), thankfulness to Allah Most High (Shukr), patience (Sabr), etc. are covered in detail. Sirr Al Asrar Wa Mazharil Anwar Fi Musnad Ahmad Yahtaju Ilaihil Abrar Jila Al Khatir Fil Batini Waz Zahir Aadab Us Sulook Wat Tawassul Ila Manazilil Mulook Futuh Ul Ghaib This is a collection of 78 addresses of Hadhrat Ghouse-Ul-Azam (May Allah shower His Mercy on him). This was published first in Istanbul in 1281.

Tuhfatul Muttaqin Wa Sabeel Ul A’arifeen
Hizb Ur Rija Wal Intiha Ar Risalatal Ghousiyya
Al Fuyuzatir Rabbaniyya Fi Awradi Qadriyya
Al Kibritul Ahmar Fis Salaati Alan Nabiyyi Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam
Maratib Ul Wujood
M’eraj Lateef Al Ma’ani
Yawaqeetul Hikam
Bashair Ul Khairaat has also been mentioned,
which is a book on Durud on the Holy Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam).

May Allah Ta’ala grant us true love for Gousul azam beloved of Allah (May Allah be well pleased with him).
include me
 and my family in your prayers

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If any mistake found pls message me. Allah knows best. please pray for me and my family,.. Our Lord! Give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire.


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